
Again, while NPMs can adapt the structure and content of their operational plans to suit their needs, some or all of the following information may be useful to include:

  • The planned activities for the year, including any thematic objectives (including both places of detention and issues related to deprivation of liberty), based on those identified in the strategic plan. This might include: number and types of visits (including number of days of visits); planned reports; dialogue; training; and other activities. This section should ideally be organised by main goals, so that the link between each activity and the relevant strategic goal is clear.
  • Division of tasks and responsibilities.
  • Timelines and important intermediate steps (milestones) for each activity.
  • A section on monitoring and evaluation, with key indicators for monitoring progress throughout the year.
  • Budget

NPMs should also include room for flexibility, in order to be able to adapt and respond to new and unexpected events.