24 February 1987
19 September 2006
Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights in collaboration with an Expert Council, human rights NGOs and individual monitors.
Multiple body
Amendments to the Law on the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights (2 October 2012) - only available in Ukrainian
NPM Structure
Following amendments to the Commissioner's legislation, a new NPM department was created within the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights to perform the NPM mandate.
The NPM department carries out its functions in collaboration with:
- the Regional Representatives of the Commissioner
- the Expert Council for NPM implementation
- monitors
The Expert Council consists of representatives of national human rights NGOs and international organisations invited as observers. Its main functions include:
- planning and conducting visits to places of detention;
- approving the NPM implementation plan;
- participating in awareness raising and training activities;
- assisting the NPM department in drafting thematic reports;
- developing the criteria for selection and training of monitors and approving their candidacies.
The monitors are individuals directly participating in monitoring visits on behalf of the public.
Annual reports
According to the amended law on the Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, the Ukrainian Parliament shall adopt a resolution based on annual and special reports presented by the Commissioner. Annual and special reports, along with the resolution, shall be published in official publications of the Parliament.