
From the beginning, it may also be important for NPM’s to consider how they will evaluate their progress, both during and after the plan comes to an end. This means setting objectives or goals that are specific and clear. For some, more complex, objectives this might also mean breaking them down into sub-objectives or milestones, which can be more easily measured. The key question for NPM’s when thinking about evaluation of each objective is: how will we know if this happened? This might include considering indicators Measurement and evaluation is much more likely to be achievable and useful if NPMs consider it from the beginning of the planning process. This is particularly because developing indicators is a great way to assess whether the objectives in the plan are specific and achievable. Trying to come up with indicators for broad and imprecise objectives once the plan is already adopted, is likely to be a frustrating and difficult experience. Throughout the year, the NPM may wish to also make time for regular review meetings, to ensure that the organization is on track to achieving its objectives.

Because evaluation is a key element of planning (before, during and afterwards), they also provide an opportunity to reflect and change course, based on changing conditions, new information, or the realisation that current actions or strategies are not working as predicted.