
Dialogue with the authorities is at the heart of the preventive approach underpinning the OPCAT and the work of NPMs. It is a meaningful and sustained process of engagement with a wide range of authorities, in order to achieve the desired changes. It consists of a series of direct interactions through different means, including face-to-face contacts such as meetings with prison directors at the end of a monitoring visit or thematic roundtables with relevant authorities. Dialogue is not a mere administrative process. It goes beyond the simple exchange of written correspondence as it relies on relationships.

Dialogue with the authorities requires NPMs to develop constructive and collaborative – but critical - working relationships with the authorities, based on mutual respect and trust. This may entail some level of confidentiality regarding the information shared between NPMs and authorities. Maintaining a constructive relationship is not synonym of complaisance though. In this respect, it is very important for NPMs to preserve their independence when engaging in dialogue with the authorities.

Experience shows that establishing and maintaining dialogue takes time. Therefore, NPMs need to consider it in their strategy and dedicate enough time and resources to it in their planning.

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