
UNCAT ratification date

18 November 1987

OPCAT ratification date

20 July  2010

NPM designated

National Human Rights Commission (Commission Nationale des Droits de l'Homme)

NPM Type

National Human Rights Commission

NPM Legal Framework

Organic Law N° 2005-004 of the National Human Rights Commission(9 February 2005)

Amendments to Organic Law No. 2005 - 004 on the Composition, Organisation and Attributions of the National Human Rights Commission (2018)

Following OPCAT ratification in 2010, Togo initially made slow steps in fulfilling its treaty obligations. However, a new law was passed in 2018, designating the National Human Rights Commission as NPM. The Commission began work as NPM in April 2019 when the nine new Commissioners took office.

The Commission is composed of nine commissioners, divided into three sub-commissions of three members each. Commissioners are elected for two-year terms, renewable once. One of these sub-commissions acts as the NPM, with the help of a professional staff from within the Commission. In addition, there is an NPM focal point designated in each of the Commission's four regional offices.


NPM Structure

The three-member NPM sub-commission carries out the NPM functions alongside staff from the Commission secretariat. In addition, there is an NPM focal point in each of the Commission's regional offices.